Team & corporate volunteering

Share your time, skills and enthusiasm with our community!

If you’re looking for corporate volunteering opportunities, we can help! We host corporate volunteers as individuals or teams, with opportunities to volunteer with our community in North East London every week. Our main volunteering opportunities are below. Feel free to contact us at to start a conversation about how you, your team or colleagues can get involved and support our community.

Fifty Plus Digital Drop-in

Our Digital Drop-in happens every Wednesday afternoon (1-4pm) at Mildmay Community Centre in Islington. Volunteers will help older people learn how to make the most of digital devices and the internet, and can come as individuals or teams. Find out more about the project at

Hackney Dudes

Teams with a whole day to volunteer could accompany our Hackney Dudes on one of their more adventurous trips outside of London. The Dudes project offers older men in Hackney a packed programme of social activities to help relieve social isolation and loneliness.

  • "I had the best time, honestly. I get out to a lot of volunteering, community lunches etc etc, and you never really come out thinking “yeah that really made a difference”… but I did feel that yesterday…!"

    - Social Value Manager who volunteered at our Digital Drop-in in March 2025